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Logo Design

This is a paid review.

I’m not a graphic designer. In fact I stink at everything visual, so design work like layout, images, icons and logos are better handled by somebody else. Unfortunately this is not always possible, and I’m sometimes forced to produce crappy stuff on my own.

Therefore I got quite excited when asked to review The Logo Creator from Laughingbird Software. According to their website anyone could create logos that “look like a Photoshop guru spent hours laboring over!” The question was, could I do it too?

I’m happy to say the answer is yes. I find working with The Logo Creator a joy. It’s easy to create your own logotype based on one of the templates. You can change, add or remove any component of the template, or create your own from scratch. This gives you a lot of creative freedom. I for instance turned this template:

A Logo Creator Template

into this logotype:

A logotype for my website?

Which is one of the candidates for becoming the logotype of this website.

I’m not completely happy with the Logo Creator’s user interface, but since it’s so useful to me I overlook the quirkiness. That, and the price of $29.95 – there are seven available themes – makes this a highly recommendable product in my opinion. So, if you need to do some Logo Design of your own, check out The Logo Creator.

Now, if you’ll excuse me I have some logos to create.

Cheers! 🙂

Categories: review, software, tools Tags:
  1. jvr
    November 21st, 2007 at 16:33 | #1

    Have you tested this online logo creator?


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